Input masks should be used when entered values must conform to a set format, for example, in the fields with telephone numbers of ten digits. If a user enters their telephone number without specifying the area code, such entry won’t be accepted in Access, until the user has added the area code.
A mask is a set of symbols which helps users enter the data into the form correctly.
For example, a person can make a mistake omitting one digit in the phone number without noticing it. For you the lead will be lost anyway.
A mask is required when the data must conform to the set format. It prevents submitting a form if a person has entered a different number of digits and letters; it prompts a user to make corrections.
A mask is set up in the input field where it specifies a strict format of values.
Setting up a mask
Go to the Form settings.
Click Add field.
Masks are available only for Phone and Text fields.
Setting up a Phone field
Click Settings and switch on the toggle Use mask. The mask template of phone input will enable automatically.
To create a mask on your own, switch on the toggle Set your own mask. You can enter only the following characters in the Phone field:
- digits
- +
- ()
- -
- #
When you enable Display input format, visitors see the mask format clicking the Phone field.
Setting up a Text field
Click Settings and switch on the toggle Use mask.
In the Text field your create your own mask using the following characters:
# — Digits [0-9]
@ — Letters [a-z]
* — Any symbol
[] — Optional input
` — Prevent symbols from shifting back when you delete
When you enable Display input format, visitors see the mask format clicking the Text field.
Examples of masks
Choose one of the ready-made masks.
US Passport Number: #########
US Social Security Number (SSN): ###-##-####
US Medicare Number: ****-***-****
Phone number: +1` (###) ###-##-##
US ZIP Code: #####[-####]
Date of birth: ##.##.####
Time: ##:##
Weight (lbs): ###
Volume (gal): ##[#]
US Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN): 9xx-xx-xxxx
US Employer Identification Number (EIN): xx-xxxxxxx
Device serial number: SN ****[****************]