Adding your domain to Cloudflare
Cloudflare is a global network aimed at making connected websites faster and protected from DDoS attacks. You can receive a free HTTPS protocol, manage your DNS records, configure IP access and geolocation rules.
How to connect Cloudflare to a site on Flexbe
Enter your email address and password. Your password should be at least 8 characters long, contain a digit and a special character.
You'll get an email with a link to verify your account. Click on the link.
Then enter the domain's root name (without www.) and click Add site.
You can select any plan level; we chose a Free one for this article.
Then Cloudflare scans automatically to identify DNS records of your domain and subdomains in order to add them to your dashboard.
Once the scanning is over, check if all DNS records were identified. If any record is missing, add them manually. You should also specify as your CNAME record. This will let the domain open your website on flexbe after its transfer.
To do this, click +Add record, and select CNAME in the Type drop-down menu. Specify @ in the Name field and in the Target field. Then click Save.
Then copy Cloudflare's nameservers and add them as DNS servers for your domain.
Two ways to connect your domain to Cloudflare
1. If your domain is registered with Flexbe
Go to the Settings → Domains on Flexbe. Click on the "..." icon and select Change DNS servers.
In the open menu, turn on the toggle Use your own DNS servers. Delete all NS records and paste the copied Cloudflare's nameservers. Then click Save.
2. If your domain is registered with another registrar
You need to change DNS records in your account with the domain register, the service that has registered your domain name.
NOTE: Transfer of your domain to new DNS servers may take up 2 days. The site will meanwhile continue to work on flexbe, if it was set up with our DNS records before, and CNAME record was specified.