Exporting leads to Google Sheets
Google Sheets is a free service that allows you to work with spreadsheets online: create and edit sheets, share their data with others. When visitors fill in forms on your site, information from these leads is automatically transferred to Google Sheets.
Integrating Google Sheets
To set up the integration, go to the Settings → Export of leads.
Select Google Sheets → click Next.
You need to give Flexbe access to your Google account. After that data from your site's forms will be sent to Google Sheets.
Setting up Google Sheets
Adding folders
By default, spreadsheets to collect data are added to Google Drive without folders. You can also create a separate folder for every site to organize your files.
Sending leads to one spreadsheet
There can be several forms on a site: for example, requests to estimate costs and offers to take free measures. You may decide to send data from all the site's forms to one spreadsheet.
Sending leads to individual spreadsheets
If you want to collect requests to estimate costs in one spreadsheet and offers to take free measurements in another, you can select to send leads from each form to an individual spreadsheet. In this case, there will be as many sheets as there are forms on the site.
Leads are captured according to the names of the forms they come from. To change the form name, go to the form Settings → Goals tab → Form name.
Access to spreadsheets
You can give access to any spreadsheet to other team members for collaboration. This is handy, for example, when your employees manage leads and contact customers but do not have permissions to view leads on the site.
Spreadsheet settings
You can hide spreadsheet columns or change their order but always leave column titles unchanged.
Leads on Flexbe
You can also see data collected in the forms on the Leads tab at the upper right corner. It is active, whether Google Sheets is integrated or not.